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Decorative Paint and Plasters DVD

Learn six great finishes combining textures, paint and adhesive stencils. Decorative artist Sheri Hoeger shows you techniques and tips for decorative plaster finishes that can stand alone or easily be combined with lettering and ornamental motifs.


Stenciling Basics $19.95
Sheri shares many of her secrets to achieve beautiful results with conventional drybrush stenciling techniques. This video walks you through the basics of stenciling, and includes advance blending and shading techniques useful to an experienced artist.  52 Minutes

Click on image for complete description.
Complete set:
Add the Grapes, Cherries and Peonies stencil (402 as featured in this video) ,or similar 401 Peaches and Peonies

Stenciling DVD

402Grapes and Peonies $69.95 separately
401 Peaches and Peonies $84.95 separately
Stenciling basics only $19.95
DVD + Grapes and Peonies Kit   $79.95
DVD + Peaches and Peonies Kit   $89.95
Airbrush Niche

Airbrushed Niche $19.95

Sheri Hoeger demonstrates more advance techniques, elaborating on the basic techniques from the Airbrush Basics volume, including shading for volume, frisket cutting, masking, and sophisticated color techniques. 90 minutes
  Click on image for complete description. Airbrush not included.

Add the 619 Niche and 918/919 Vase and Floral as demonstrated in this DVD, plus the DVD. $89.95

Airbrush niche DVD only $19.95
Airbrush niche DVD + 619 918 919 $89.95
30-Jun-2022 2:03 PM